So there I was playing the 0.25/0.50 tables, keeping my game tight and watching the other players moves when within 2 hands one of the other players at the tables was felted. Now in some circumstances this could be a sign of a player going on tilt, playing naff hands into a raise or re-raise, or as it just turns out getting married to aces and then getting extremely unlucky with aces!! Thats right this poor guy picked up aces twice in the space of 3 hands (he didn't play the second hand!) and was felted!!
I've taken some snaps so you can see this poors guys pain. The first hand below, well to be honest, he was wedded to his aces. He didn't raise enough pre-flop to drive out the hand that eventually flopped the 2nd nut straight and busted him up big time. I'm still a little confused to be honest as to why the guy with aces re-raised the raise so much on such a dangerous board!

Two hands later the same guy picks up aces again!! Now i would probably be over the moon to see pocket rockets again so quickly. I would have put the last beat down to bad luck or stupidity and would be itching to make some money back this time round. So off he goes again, playing his aces and manges to get all the money in the pot again, on a board you'd probably wish you had raised more pre-flop with, when magically, while chasing a flush draw the other guy rivers 2 pair and busts him again!!
So although the other guy had outs he didn't have the odds to call the all in bet and then he essentially back doors 2 pair!!
So is there a moral to this story?! Probably not, however I will be re-reading Doyle Brunsons section on playing Aces and Kings in the hole and will pay even more attention to the fact that these hands either win small pots or lose big ones!!
Make sure you all put in a decent raise pre-flop, or if you limp, have the courage to muck this monster hands when then flop gives your opponents to much that can beat you.
Run well all
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