Miss Liz Leui

Imagine sitting opposite a Liz or Jen during a 12 hour cash game. You’re playing solid patient and disciplined poker which leads to long dry spells without action. How can your mind not wander onto that lovely lady opposite you?! In my opinion it can’t, maybe you can fight it for the first few hours but eventually one simple male weakness will creep in and you’ll lose concentration and poker law dictates that, that is exactly when you pick up aces, she plays suited connectors and busts you big time for not paying attention to the game and missing the flush or straight draw!!
So let this be a warning to you all. It may brighten up the table to have a sexy lady playing cards with you, but while your contemplating whether she likes you and wants to go for a drink, she’ll be busy stealing all of your chips and leaving you flat broke!!
Nice pictures though!!
Clonie Gowan
Nice one, saw her on the Full Tilt site. Will have a look a dnadd her to the list!
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