play online poker

Friday, May 11, 2007

Poker me up!

Firstly I'd just like to say thank you to the following for their comments on my last post. Everyone has been very positive and given me great advice to help me with my blip and its very much appreciated.

CadMunkey :

Yorkshire Pudding :

Drunken Monk :

Tx4themoney :

UKGatsby :

Today I played some pokes. Not a lot...well 7 hands in total :) but I at least booted up the pooter and logged on which is a start.

I can't say I was impressed with my play over the 7 hands and was lucky to take down a 4 way pot with a pair of 8's as everyone else was chasing 2 flush draws that were on the board but hey, it was only 7 hands so what am I talking about!

Felt ok, didn't feel anti poker in anyway, just felt normal so maybe thats the first hurdle out the way. I may log on again on monday as dunno if I'll have time to play any more this weekend.

On another note, I'm all set for a marathon gaming sess tonight. Bought myself some organic Aussie ale and have Virtua Tennis 3, Resistance Fall of Man, FEAR, Fight Night Round 3, Motorstorm and Full Auto 2 : Battlelines ready to go. I think Virtua Tennis will be the game most played tonight somehow!!

Time to kick ass!!


GWC said...

enjoy your weekend bud.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you still at it mate. You can be quite amusing at this blogging when you setting up a game so I can take Justin's money off him?

Take care,


P.S I had two Aces in the hole yesterday...uncomfortable to say the least! ;)

PP said...

Don't play if you don't want to. Poker can be alternately great and intensely frustrating; exhilerating and deadly dull.

The last thing you need is to view it as a chore. We've all got enough chores. Spend your time doing what you like. If you like poker, play it, but if not don't. Poker is a great hobby, but a terrible job.

STST said...

Hi Wombol!

Just came across the blog randomly browsing. Glad to see you're not letting it get you down mate and I'd like to wish you all the best for your future battles, on the felt and off it.

Good Luck


DrunkenMonk said...

Thanks fot the shout mate. Glad my drunken ramblings were of some help.
Keep it up dude you'll be back in no time.

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